The School Vistaartistas Cooperative, formed by students of 5th year of primary CC Vistarreal Molina de Segura, under the Entrepreneurship Project at my school (EME), has donated € 137.20 Infant Feeding Program of Caritas the locality.
Thus, the 32 members of this cooperative students wanted to help alleviate the suffering food needs of younger families without resources, and have seen firsthand through the visit he made to them in the classroom one Caritas volunteers Molina de Segura.
Corresponds to the amount donated part of the proceeds from Vistaartistas in Mini-Market held on June 3, Avenida de la Libertad de Murcia, which was attended by all participating school cooperatives in the EME project, and which sold products made by themselves: notebooks, photo frames, keychains, decorative items, games, imantes, etc..
Undertake at my school is an educational project, promoted by the INFO, aimed at primary school students, in which they create and manage a cooperative during the school year, dedicated to the manufacture of handicrafts, which once sold year in a Mini-Market.
The EME project develops across the board in different areas within the primary curriculum, and facilitates the acquisition of all the basic skills.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura