The project completion Museum Enclave of the Wall (MUDEM) has been awarded by the Board of Trade of the City of Molina de Segura Agromán Ferrovial, SA, amounting to 1,982,220 euros, as reported, Friday June 27, the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares.
The final amount of the award is an economical low 1,248,869.63 euros, according to Eduardo Contreras, "prevent the City Council has to resort to a bank loan, as initially planned with the starting price at tender. Now the cost of completion of the project shall be charged to the grant remaining funds of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the compensation obtained by the City by the wall Altorreal and equity. "
The proposal was approved at the meeting of the Board of Trade held Thursday June 26, with votes in favor of the local groups of the Popular Party, United Left, UPyD, and against citizens and PSOE.
The contractor obtained the highest score (a total of 80 points) in several parameters: better economic downturn better term guarantees, etc..
The Mayor thanked the municipal officers who participated in drafting the project (architects, engineers new technologies, archaeologists ...) "his wonderful work, and they have undertaken a project to medium run, it had not relied on them until this time. This has enabled the award is economically very advantageous to the City. "
As for the rejection of PSOE and Citizens award proposal, Eduardo Contreras expressed his "disappointment that, once again, these local groups have prefixed their partisan interests to the general interest of the molinense citizenship."
In the case of voting against the PSOE, "not help but be curious contradiction of this local group, which calls on one hand the completion of the works, and now votes against it, despite the technical reports that support approved proposal, with significant savings for the City. "
For his part, the representative of Citizens for the annulment of the process and the money being awarded to the necessary works to be allocated after the recent floods, "something that says Contreras-not be regarded otherwise than pure demagoguery politics because he knows full well that that's not possible. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura