The Municipal Group UPyD in the city of Molina de Segura propose at the next regular city that the Consistory consider implementing compensatory measures for the Property Tax (such as bonuses or otherwise) to all those in the land rezoned " boom "town and are yet to be developed, assuming this situation a high cost to the owners.
By city spokesman, embodies Hernandez is detailed studies that have been developed in districts such as Llano de Molina, "areas rural until recently have become classified as urban raising the assessed value and thereby increase IBI significant. "
UPyD considers that, as has been applied in other areas as the field or orchard Molina, appropriate compensatory measures for those lands where, as in the case of El Llano are studied, it has not yet made the land subdivision, while other have suffered a rise in "disproportionate" assessed value and that "in no way reflects the real value today of these areas, in many cases where farmland still in operation."
Political education also refers in his motion to the recent judgment of the Supreme Court, which could force the municipalities reported by these situations to return some of the money charged as IBI owners reclassified as urban farms, but where no built, which would qualify them to pay as rural land.
Source: UPyD Molina de Segura