The awards ceremony of the Youth Essay Contest I Tader Vega Juan Benavente of fiction and poetry, organized by the Association of Parents (AMPA) Tader IES Vega Molina de Segura, takes place TODAY Tuesday, June 17, 20.30, in the auditorium of the Tader IES Vega (Avenida Gutierrez Mellado).
The competition has involved students in secondary school and vocational training center registered in any of the Region of Murcia, in the modes of Story and Poetry.
It was created with the goal of building a space open to creative writing to students, and in order to honor the memory of a particularly relevant personality Juan Benavente, who was Professor of Language and Literature and Director of the Center molinense.
The jury awarded the following prizes equal in both modes: first prize of 200 euros;
and second prize, worth 100 euros.
First Prize: A broken demon, Elisa Almagro Mireia Gonzalez Vega del IES Tader.
Special mention: The Night Eternal Chopin, de Lucía Fernández García, IES Vega Tader.
First Prize: You're the most beautiful storm, Norths Maria Sanchez, from IES Vega Tader.
Second prize: Ecstasy Diego Yepes Rodriguez Vega del IES Tader.
The IES Vega Tader and Poetry Hall of the University of Murcia collaborate on, coordinated by Professor of Literature and writer Ruben Castillo Gallego competition.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura