Councilman Citizens (C's) in the city of Molina de Segura, Estanislao Vidal, has urged the municipal government to "make a cadastral revision soil of the municipality, especially the land of villages, orchards and residential areas, are reclassified by the above PP reform, and became developable land remain agricultural. "
Vidal has called the session that "reduce the IBI in the town", and that "many land rezoned are currently being used for agriculture and yet, owners must pay taxes as if they were urban land".
"Neighbors support Molina a deeply unfair and unsupportive tax" has broached the representative of C's in the Murcia town.
Estanislao Vidal has said that this "shows the lack of professionalism of the PP at the time of making the reform of urban plan" and has opted for "a bonus of 90% of the value assigned to the affected rural properties while not the cadastral revision is finalized. "
Source: Ciudadanos (C’s) de Molina de Segura