The Report of Proceedings of the Local Police Molina de Segura 2013 was presented at a news conference, Friday, 6 June, the City Council Public Safety, City Fortunato Arias and Chief Deputy Inspector of the local police, José Pérez Almagro.
In late 2013, the staff of Police Local 118 had effective: 1 Sub-Inspector, 1 Official 3 sergeants, 12 corporals, and 101 agents.
The average age of the officers, at that time 40 years indicates that this is a template with experience and relatively young.
The City Council Public Safety, Fortunato Arias, expressed his "satisfaction data contained herein, which reflect the important public safety commitment being made by the Mayor and the government team, and I also want to recognize the work done by police, who watch 24 hours a day by security, tranquility and harmony of the residents of Molina de Segura ".
Among the significant data herein is population increase during 2013 in 910 inhabitants, so that the total figure was 69,402 inhabitants at the end of the year.
Meanwhile, the fleet increased by 261 vehicles, leaving the total at 45,035.
The most significant data Performance Memory listed below:
Traffic accidents recorded throughout the town, where the local police intervened: 484 (573 in 2012), which is 15% less than in 2012 and 47% compared to 2010 (919 recorded accidents).
242 people were arrested as suspects of crimes in different areas (theft, crimes of violence), of which 94 people have been detained for crimes and crimes against road safety.
In aid of people, he has worked on 595 occasions, with patients, bystanders, ambulances, people trapped, etc..
Responsible for the regulation of traffic and pedestrians, ensuring safe routes to school steps, making cuts, detours and after signaling necessary in all cases (music, parties, public transport, etc..) And collaborating with the Unit crowded in traffic accidents.
He has also conducted several joint campaigns with the Provincial Traffic Department of the General Directorate of Traffic: control of distracted driving (using mobile), controls BAC in drivers control school bus, control motorcycles, respect traffic light and seat belt and child restraint systems (CRS).
In DRIVER EDUCATION (from the Traffic Unit), have given practical and theoretical to 3,118 students of Elementary and Secondary Education 27 different public and private schools, classes of Molina de Segura.
Students have been instructed by several local police officers, who are monitors Driver Education, coordinated by one Cabo.
He has made 689 performances, including:
75 attestations, which have been referred to court for refusal to submit to a breath test, or driving under the influence of alcohol.
47 vehicles sealed or unsealed.
He has made a total of 542 records of different types:
45 interventions noise nuisance.
6 reports on earthworks.
41 notifications and monitoring of abandoned vehicles.
22 interventions related discharges both liquids and solids.
58 interventions with animals.
He has made a total of 1,454 interventions, among which we can highlight:
53 complaints by consumption and possession of drugs (referred to in the Law 1/92 of Public Safety).
23 performances by violence.
46 interventions that involved were minors.
172 interventions in fights between people.
125 complaints of disorderly conduct.
One complaint related to the regulation of weapons.
334 services for alarm messages.
16 recoveries of stolen vehicles.
And the total number of detainees by this unit amounted to 148, of which 63 have been robberies and thefts.
In addition to regular monitoring and control services in their area of ​​operation (17,287 registered inhabitants), along 2013 the barracks has posted a total of 422 interventions, among which:
- Master Development Plan for the Prevention of theft of fruit in the field of Molina de Segura, with a successful outcome.
- 182 aid to citizens.
- 35 IDs for different reasons.
- 34 test reports.
- 2 cases of gender violence served.
Finally, the City Council Public Safety has reiterated his "gratitude to the citizens of Molina de Segura for your feedback, essential to good police work" and acknowledged "the good work of the Administrative Unit, supplementing policing , and the Head and all staff of police doing their work that others can live calmer "Deputy Inspector.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura