The Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura has approved several items of interest in its last meeting held on Tuesday 27 May.
Senior Deputy Mayor, Sonia Carrillo Marble, reported on the adoption of the collaboration with the Federation of Neighbours Interbarrios for implementation of the dynamic process of participatory budgeting in 2015 and beyond.
You are granted a subsidy of 40,895 euros to Interbarrios for this process, pursuant to the agreement recently reached between neighbors and political groups represented on the Local Board of Citizen Participation.
Furthermore, the Board has approved a motion by Mayor on Medical Research Foundation Molina de Segura (FEM), to which a grant of 12,000 euros for the organization of their activities is granted.
The FEM performs a really important task of scientific and medical knowledge among citizens of Molina de Segura, and has acquired a remarkable strengthening its administrative and management structure as a foundation, knowing its work throughout the country for its pioneering, original and effective to promote activities such as conferences and seminars outreach scientific guidance for high school students, among other forms.
This year the course will be offered V Psychiatry in Everyday Life, in the framework of activities of the International University of the Sea
It has also approved the award of:
Family Respite Service in the company Home Anovel Integral Engineering Services SL, amounting to 64,995.84 euros, for a year.
The purpose of this service is to improve the quality of life of family caregivers, reducing where possible the emotional and physical toll can make taking care of a dependent person.
Rehabilitation wardrobe heated Romeral JUPECA the company for an amount of 66,602.01 euros.
Service to carry out the work of Study, Documentation, Analysis, Description and Rating Jobs for Preparation of the RPT system development and performance of the jobs the company Human Team SL, amounting to 17,400 euros, and a lead time of 6 months.
Musical arrangements on public roads point to the company Civil Conduit, amounting to 24,215.51 euros.
Sections of sidewalk that, for various reasons (moisture, wear, etc) are to be reconstructed will be arranged.
Finally, the Governing Board approved Local Entrepreneurs project memory to the Molina de Segura-Lorca Tourist (entrepreneurs schools), valued at 211,367.51 euros.
The city councils of both cities have applied for a grant of 80% to the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
If the grant is awarded, the two municipalities will sign an agreement, of which 50 unemployed Molina de Segura and 50 Lorca would benefit.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura