The Poets II Molina Festival: Tribute to Vicente García Hernández on Tuesday May 20 held at 20.00 pm in the Library Salvador García Aguilar Molina de Segura (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 44).
The festival is part of the programming of the Spring 2014 Book of the resort, and is organized and coordinated by Illan molinense Francisco Javier Vivas, in collaboration with Vegamediapress, Cliffs of paper, the Association and the Editorial ADIH ADIH.
Poets Molina is a call that aims to bring new artists to Molina de Segura, poets and writers who have never recited in the town, and who is willing to continue over time.
This second edition pays tribute to Vicente García Hernández, Adonais prize and second prize of one of the most famous poets of Molina de Segura, being already close to the 60th anniversary of his ordination.
Involved, among others, the poets: M ª Ángeles Ibernon Valero, Gema Bocardo, Irelfaustina Bermejo, José María López Conesa, Cristián Minguez, Antonio Palazón Cascales, José Manuel Salinas, Adolfo Navascues Jesus Pons, Isabel Yunko, Domingo Pérez Bermejo, Noa Briones Marin and Martinez Paquita Merinos.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura