The Municipal Center Shutters Molina de Segura has been visited by a total of 2,221 people since its inauguration on January 20, 2014. The building is located in the Pensioner Street and houses the departments of Tourism, Commerce and Handicrafts, the Tourist Office and an exhibition hall.
This large number is due in large part to exhibitions that have taken place inside, as Meat and Guasa, artist Pepe Yagües (January 20 to March 10) and exposure of Easter Molinense (14 March to 14 April), where he could see, exceptionally, material provided by the Superior Council of Guilds Pasionarias and La Cruz de La Hightower Cultural Association, with more than 40 pieces, including images, crowns, banners, robes, etc..
In addition, students from schools and sightseeing The shutters have gone through in order to see the Andalusian Canvas wall and the start of a quadrangular tower located inside the building and that is part of the fence that ran along the murario lower Barrio del Castillo, protecting the population and the citadel.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura