IU-Greens in the city of Molina de Segura today called for the resignation of Councillor for Mobility, Consuelo Rosauro, after confirming that the arrangements that have been undertaken by the "improvisation" project of cycle routes will cost 12,200 euros more than expected .
The mayor of IU-Green, Antonio Lopez, has also called for an end to the political leaders of that project for the "waste of public funds" that has occurred.
Rosauro Lopez reminded that money "wasted" comes from taxation of the citizenry, which is composed of families "in many cases the look and the wish to make ends meet."
In addition, the council has said that before the insults Rosauro, who called him "petty politicians sixpenny" among others, will not rule because these manifestations the mayor "is scored by itself."
"I remember PP councilors is best to use arguments and data, instead of insults and defamatory," he added.
Source: IURM