The Murciano Institute for Social Action (IMAS), through the Directorate General of Seniors, increase from next July the number of places in the town of Molina de Segura.
Thus, it is expected to offer 20 new public squares, which will add to the 246 there right now.
The CEO of Older IMAS, Enrique Perez, made the remarks during his visit to the residence 'Our Lady of Fatima' of Molina de Segura.
In this act, said that of the 246 seats accredited for seniors, 87 are public agreed with the residences 'Ballesol', 'White School' and 'Fatima'.
The 20 new public squares, Pérez said, will be 15 for the residence 'Ballesol' and five for 'Our Lady of Fatima'.
The goal, he said, "is to continue investing in ensuring comprehensive care tailored to the needs of older people of both have to learn."
The residence 'Our Lady of Fatima', run by the Servants of Jesus of Charity, has 90 seats, of which 58 are arranged with the IMAS by an amount in excess of 1.5 million euros.
The center, which also has 15 places agreed with the IMAS for Day Service Center, provides comprehensive care in a functional and appropriate to the needs of care and living space.
The CEO said that "the role of residences not only sticks to pay attention to their own activities of daily living, but care rehabilitation care, escorts, professional services and improving the living conditions are also addressed in the center and the promotion of personal autonomy. "
Source: CARM