Municipal spokesperson PSOE
City of Molina de Segura
35 years of holding the first free municipal elections after the return to democracy in 1978 are met.
At that time, the citizens and their political representatives occupied the municipal institutions, contributing to the change of political system in Spain, latent change decades before in the struggle of thousands of people in cities and towns against the dictatorial regime of General Franco.
Municipalities do not have priority on the political, social and governmental agenda in our country.
The commemoration of the thirty-fifth anniversary, in addition to media and political awakening little interest, is dyed black to come marked by the adoption of Law 27/2013, of 27 December, rationalization and sustainability of local government.
With this rule, the PP government, relying on the appellant but weak excuse of a balanced budget, slams three decades of legislation, political action and civic participation in the construction progress and consolidation of local democracy in our country.
This Act, in line with historical reactionary government action right says bluntly what the intention of the PP: lowercase sets and minimizes the municipal government, capitalized and reclassified the administration and bureaucracy, and bolds the privatization of municipal public services.
It is so obvious that this interest now in its third paragraph (Preamble) the law makes clear among the political objectives: "promote private economic initiative avoiding disproportionate administrative interventions", an entire amendment to the entire three decades of municipal issues.
The councils go from being a representative political, economic and social institution of citizenship and territory, articulating coexistence and provider of basic local services and people to become purely economic instruments and would say almost business and therefore must be administered deprived of all public, whether political, educational, social or local development.
What is at stake is how we build our lives together, that is the very basis of democracy.
The PP has chosen to do so primarily from the perspective of the economic interests of third parties, adding other seasoning, local, cocktail proclaimed reformist (labor, budget stability, rights and remedies cuts in education, health and public welfare ) and not promoting a change in the political system, but laying the foundation of a system change;
that is, no reform or rehabilitation of the democratic and constitutional building we have given but a takedown the same for a replacement even modifying its foundations, without the consent and social consensus, political, legal or territorial.
For centuries, the municipalities have engaged in administering the territory or land in the service of others (masters or crowns), to manage the physical capital in the service of others (caciques or capitalists), to manage the financial capital in the service of others (clusters business or financial corporations);
when they actually do the municipalities is, or should be, dealing for the first time not the interests of others, but of themselves who form the local community, ie, deal with the welfare and happiness of its people, its lives, their fortune, their jobs, their homes, their health.
No other administration deals with these things as do the municipalities.
This has opened in Europe, three decades ago, the road to a new municipal baptism, cities with surname: educating city, eco-city, healthy city, Cittaslow or slow, smart or intelligent or efficient city, cities etc..
They are open to deepening democracy in a municipal service being of people and generate a sustainable, inclusive and efficient growth paths.
It is the DNA of democracy.
There will be no recovery or development expelling the municipalities from the field, devaluing the rights of citizens or devaluing the municipalities and municipal democracy.
This is the underlying reason that has moved more than 2,300 municipalities, representing 16 million people, to appeal the constitutionality of the Act aforesaid ratio has also moved to the parliamentary forces, except the PP, to regional governments Autonomous Communities and come to the defense of municipal cause, also presenting the corresponding appeal to the Constitutional Court.
Although the Government of Rajoy has drained the reservoir of local democracy, exposing an arid landscape and insists on degrading to municipalities, local democracy will emerge to the surface of the streets, neighborhoods and cities;
passage through this layer neoliberal desert that surrounds us in the form of cellophane will open.
We are millions of citizens, councilors and councilors, associations, NGOs, municipal enterprises, associations and service cooperatives, SMEs and freelancers who work daily alongside the municipalities, who continue to claim the essential and irreplaceable role to play in the building a more just and egalitarian society;
who will demand to have honest and municipal representatives who look only to the public interest;
who fight against corruption from the municipalities;
and defend those who are advised and municipal utilities provide proximity and quality of the service of the people, especially those most in need in our cities and villages.
Participation, transparency, openness and commitment from the base of local democracy, from cities and towns, are the best response to the crisis, economic, political and representative institutions through our society values.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura