The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Youth, Commerce and Handicrafts, and Social Welfare, in collaboration with the bars and pubs of the city, has launched a second phase of Responsible Service Program, an initiative of the Ministry of Health, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and the Spanish Federation of Hotel and Restaurant, in order to make compatible the defense of the quality of life of citizens in the development of one of the most important sectors for the Spanish economy, such as hospitality, leisure and tourism.
This program aims to address the need to establish a framework for action and collaboration between management and the hospitality industry, aimed at promoting responsible leisure, safe, healthy and quality.
It focuses on the intervention in the leisure and hospitality operators, with the aim of improving the professional qualifications and promoting the social commitment of employers and workers in this sector in promoting safe habits Leisure healthy, prevention of drug addiction and, in general, the development of quality leisure.
In April starts the second phase of in Molina de Segura, which has two main objectives.
First, consolidate the implementation of the same in local and participants at the start and expand the number of stores that join the same.
And, second, give greater dissemination and publicity, trying to publicize the program to most of the population molinense.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura