Caritas of Molina de Segura, in their campaign performance with the needy, has organized by the Club Molinense Walker, the Walker Solidarity March III Pro Caritas, which took place on Sunday 30 March at 10.00.
The activity is part of the programming of the Health Week VIII.
Collaborate the Department of Sports molinense Hall, the Association's Athlete Molina de Segura, the Federation of Neighborhood Associations Interbarrios, health centers of the city, the Hospital de Molina, the parishes of Molina de Segura, Red Cross Protection Civil and several companies.
Walkers bring non-perishable food and / or economic contribution to Caritas, for people who lack the most indispensable.
The route has a low difficulty and suitable for all ages (9 km.): City Hall Plaza, Paseo Rosales, ditch banks, village of Segura River to La Ribera, Greenway, entertainment area until the Rambla of whales.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura