The Parents Association (AMPA) Tader IES Vega Molina de Segura, in order to open a space for fostering creative writing to students, and in order to honor the memory of a particularly relevant personality Juan Benavente, who was Professor of Language and Literature and Director of the center, convenes the Youth Essay Contest I Tader Vega Juan Benavente of fiction and poetry.
You can enter this contest all students in secondary school and vocational training center registered in any of the Region of Murcia.
Two modes are defined:
Report: Free theme, with maximum of 5 pages written on one side, in A4 format, double-spaced and typed in Arial 12 and margins of 2.5 cm.
Poetry: Free theme, a poem composed by one or more stanzas, with maximum of sixty lines, double-spaced and typed in Arial 12.
The jury will award the following prizes, same in both modes:
First prize: 200 €.
Second prize: 100 €
Papers must be original, unpublished, paper and be submitted in triplicate and under a pseudonym.
That nickname, besides the modality will be stated, must be clearly visible on the cover letter and on the outside of the envelope (escrow), where personal information (name, address, phone) and the school will be included in which is enrolled.
Participants may submit works to the day May 2, 2014, by mail to the following address: I LITERARY COMPETITION OF YOUTH VEGA Tader "JUAN Benavente," Vega del IES Tader, Avda Gutiérrez Mellado, 13-15, 30500 Molina de Segura.
The jury's decision will be published in June in the Notice Board of the Vega del IES Tader and the school website (
During the second week of June, in the auditorium of the IES, the awards ceremony will take place.
The IES Vega Tader and Poetry Hall of the University of Murcia collaborate on, coordinated by Professor of Literature and writer Ruben Castillo Gallego competition.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura