The officers of the local police of Molina de Segura, in coordination with the General Directorate of Traffic, held in the town a Special Campaign on Seat Belt and Child Restraint Systems, between 10 and 16 March.
The aim of the campaign is to monitor compliance with the use of approved restraint systems, seatbelt and SRI among vehicle occupants.
One of the objectives of the Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 is "to ensure that no child loses his life for my not properly seated in a proper seat for their weight and height."
Day use today, traffic accidents remain the leading cause of death in children older than 4 years.
Misusing of seats multiplied by 4, the risk of infant death in a car accident, so you should exercise caution on the use of these devices.
Councilman and Public Safety Traffic molinense Hall, Fortunato Arias City, said that "these campaigns help improve road safety and raise public awareness about the usefulness of restraint systems in vehicles in any way, both short and long, urban or suburban, its use may be vital. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura