The College of Education and Elementary Our Lady of Fatima Molina de Segura has organized the annual traditional carnival activities, a day of living of the entire educational community center, took place on Friday, February 28th, at Avenida García Lorca, s / n.
This year the theme of the costumes revolve around castles.
To do this, students have covered the center with medieval motifs dressed in costumes and go on the same period.
The costumes were made by students, parents / mothers and teachers in workshops created for its realization.
The activities planned for this day are:
- At 1215 hours parade of with their choreography, near center court at the school.
- At 1300 hours: traditional parade around the neighborhood, with elsiguiente itinerary: Avda Garcia Lorca, Calle Alicante, School InfantilEl Limonar, Calle Maestro Navilloy Avda.Garcia back to center by Lorca.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura