IU-Greens today criticized the fact that the Mayor of Molina, Eduardo Contreras, has rejected an initiative of the formation of the left requesting the creation of a commission of inquiry into the dump swap.
The spokesperson for the United Left-Green, Antonio Lopez, has said the mayor has rejected the creation of this commission because the motion the resignation of any public office or may be he was accused in the judicial process on the swap also requested.
Lopez noted that the application for your local group was that "regardless of the subject being viewed in court, politicians, where we must give account of our management, is on full municipal, where the representation is of all citizens. "
Also remember that "this issue is long, an exchange of land, the council did in his day a citizen of Molina, and that the company sold Fadesa Martin, nine million, shortly after which will take over the exchange. "
The IU-Greens spokesperson considered "if the mayor wanted both the commission of inquiry is strange that it has refused, because it also called for the resignation of any public office, he was, or could be charged in the case."
According to Lopez, "in the spirit of IU-Greens is not and has never been to condemn anyone, if no reasons why we trust justice to clarify this issue, which is already time to molinense concerned citizens."
Source: IURM