The year 2013 closed with the second lowest number of workers in the general scheme (less than 14,274) and the total membership of the social security of the past decade in Molina de Segura, despite being less bad than 2012.
Last year was even worse than at end 2011 membership database of social security and labor force.
The only enhances the figure gives the number of self with 123 more, a figure that includes many people who lose their jobs and / or are forced to work for themselves.
The PSOE Municipal spokesman Antonio Gomariz, Contreras asked to speak under settings, cuts, tax hikes and freezes and is dedicated to "undo the mess" that has resulted in Molina, implementing measures to create jobs and exit the mess in which we are immersed for seven years, in a city where about 7,500 people registered as unemployed (EPA estimates 10,000) follow.
The City Council has allocated to public works in about 6% of its net obligations from 2010 (16 million euros), a percentage that has failed to create jobs (including the works of the second Plan E 2010, about 10 million euros bid ).
The public works from 2011 to 2013 has meant 3% of total municipal spending obligations, with zero local impact and contribution to exit the crisis and create jobs
Antonio Gomariz reiterates the multiplier effect of public investment in job creation, thus stressing the need for a Municipal Infrastructure Investment Plan on roads whose deterioration is well advanced, and work begins to meet agreed with a proposal by the House of Socialists, as the road improvement panderon, Chorrico Avenue, the new developments out to Madrid on the A-30, and hits the Chorrico Altorreal, which goes N -301 to La Estrella, the service road of the N-301 towards ITV.
But also in other facilities necessary to provide us with services, meeting arrangements plenary a proposal of the Socialist Group, the third health center, integrated training center, the reception center with lodging, dining, training, internal or day center for the elderly or the social center of Lookout Bittersweet.
There are enough necessary initiatives to boost employment, and that "we need is to have as the basis for the procurement of works and services is made from a municipal contracting socially responsible, to include individuals and groups with fewer opportunities labor market (given the PSOE also approved by the House) and the firms carrying out the municipal public works, without sacrificing the legitimate benefit, made under good labor standards, social practices, job creation, security and stability, " Gomariz concludes.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura