The Association of Parents of CP Cervantes de Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the Association of Residents of San Roque, has launched a series of storytelling during the year 2014, in an open and free for all children locality.
It will take place over five Friday each month, January through May, at 17.00, in the schoolyard itself.
The full program is as follows:
January 24: Tales suitcase.
Imagine, dream, have, by Nora Pellicer.
February 14: The Troll Witch and bubble, by Adlanta.
March 14: The Green Goblin, by Aladetres.
April 11: The Bogey Man, and Princess and the Pirate, by the group La Chispa de Molina.
May 16: Tales suitcase.
Verses in rhyme, fine thing, by Nora Pellicer.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura