The Municipal Group UPyD in the city of Molina de Segura leads to regular full this January a proposal for future regional Transparency Act include "the creation of a common platform where all information and data generated by register different municipalities of the Region ", following the principles of" Open Government "and" Open data ".
To do this, as explained spokeswoman UPyD, embodies Hernández, "it will be essential that the Autonomous Community provide the necessary tools to Consistories, in order to strengthen the right of citizens to access information that is held by local authorities, resulting in a more transparent administration and therefore more democratic. "
To meet these objectives, the policy urges formation of parliamentary groups represented in the Assembly to "take into account the crucial role of the municipalities in the future act and think provide tools in this regard to local authorities in the preparation of it. "
Likewise, the Mayor, Eduardo Contreras, who "collect singularities and municipal needs" and transferred to the Federation of Municipalities, that this entity is to transfer to the Regional Assembly "requests.
On the other hand, Hernandez has also announced that his group will ask the government team in the January plenary state of implementation of the agreement reached in one year ago (through a motion of UPyD) according to which should be published in Web municipal corresponding justifications memories of municipal subsidies, so that deepens in transparency and openness on the destiny of public money and can make an objective assessment of the effectiveness of these grants.
According to Hernandez, "since the year 2013 has now ended, and these grants are already paid, it's time to publish the data, and that can be audited by the political opposition or by any citizen."
Source: UPyD Molina de Segura