The full City Council rejected Molina de Segura the regular meeting held Monday afternoon in the rate imposed by the Ministry of Health for those immigrants in an irregular situation who lost their health insurance card after the Government's reform of July 2012.
At the request of a motion of the Municipal Group of UPyD, the molinense corporation also undertook to bring this issue to the City Board of Health, there to evaluate, together with local health representatives and civil society, the impact of these measures affected immigrants living in Molina de Segura, and in order to ensure health care for those in the health centers of the city.
To spokeswoman UPyD, embodies Hernández, "is not only a symbolic gesture by the Consistory" and hopes "will lead to a real commitment to ensure health care for this group in the town."
For Hernandez, these rates approved by the Ministry of Health (between 60 and 157 euros per month) "are inconceivable by excessive and unjust, and are targeted at the most vulnerable, people who have nothing, and can hardly cope these payments. "
Hernandez lamented the "clear deterioration in the hands of this government is undergoing a basic right such as universal health care, with measures such as the pharmaceutical copayment, hospitals privatization, withdrawal of the medical card to immigrants" undocumented "and budgetary constraints on staff, cleanliness and staffing of the centers, which are causing a clear deterioration of the public service. "
Source: UPyD Molina de Segura