The November 27 and Teacher's Day is celebrated Master and on that occasion the PSOE Municipal Group proposes to other political groups that the City launch a campaign to support local public schools to strengthen public education recognize the work of teachers and to value molinense public schools, promoting partnership between the school and families in public schools.
Gomariz Antonio, Municipal Spokesperson PSOE in the city, said that the decline of public schools in favor of private / concert has "seal and mark" CP, Contreras and Valcárcel, who come to favor the establishment of private schools / concluded.
This asked the City Council to clearly position we defend public schools and remedies the serious imbalance between public school and private / subsidized.
Socialist Spokesman recalled that during 2012-2013, the students enrolled in local public schools accounted for 52% compared to 48% of private / subsidized when four courses was before the 54% and 46%, respectively ( second cycle of child and compulsory stages).
This implies a percent drop in the number of students in public schools with the growth in private / aided schools.
Between 2008-2009 and 2012-2013 courses, public schools welcomed over 281 students while private / subsidized welcomed over 650 students, ie, the latter increased their students by 13.1% compared to 4.8% of public.
The variation in these four courses explains the concerted increase in education, which has increased by 30.2% the number of students (900 students), compared to a drop of 12.7% of the private (250 students).
In the second cycle of child (3-6 years) education differences are even greater, as the last course had 400 students more than the 2008-09 (15.1%), an increase that has absorbed the private education / agreed, being currently enrolled students almost 50% in both types of centers.
However, in 2008 there were 56.5% in public schools (400 increased, 51 were schooled in public schools versus private 349 / concerted This difference is also explained by the increase in enrollment of 43% in private schools, while public and private have grown by around 3%).
In Primary, the last year was 375 students more than in 2008 (7.4%), 194 (up 7.2%) absorbed by the public school and 294 for private / subsidized (up 11.6%) .
Here the differences also explains the growth of 28.2% of students in the private schools, compared to a decline of 12.4% private.
In compulsory secondary education (ESO), the most significant finding is the transfer of students from private to concerted, increasing by 21.2% the number of students while private lost 21.9%
Another point to review is the increase of 251 students in training degrees, 33.8%, with 992 people enrolled in them last year, while the number of students in high school fell by 0.57% (7 students less).
In high school, 76.6% of students studying in public schools (3 points more than in 2008-09), 6% in private schools and 17.4 in private.
The Municipal Group PSOE proposed that this municipal campaign to seek to value the identity, values, premises, facilities and activities of public schools offering and Primary Education in our town, and it is done with the participation of the educational community, to improve the image of public schools, the role and professional and social relevance of teachers, enhance the work of teachers and staff serving in public schools.
The campaign can be conducted in the first quarter of 2014 and each year, with actions such as support sessions, open houses, publications, a website, digital resources, etc..
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura