The Department of Equality of the City of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the Department of Sports, organized the Football Championship VI Métele a goal to violence and the first exhibition of aguagym Swim for Equality, which will take place on Saturday 23 November, from 10.00, in the Municipal Sports The Romeral (in Avenida de Valencia).
These activities are framed in the Fourth Municipal Plan for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, on the occasion of the commemoration of November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women.
At 10.00 am will start the competition of different football clubs VI eight Football Championship Métele a goal to violence, they are: Club Deportivo ISOL, San Miguel College Football, Football Club Soccer School Molina and Molina.
New this year, at 11.00 am, there will be a display in the heated pool AcquaGym this sports center, called Swim for Equality.
The activity will be borne by seniors who actively participate in the activities organized by the Department of Sports and this year working with the Department of Equality, as revulsion against violence towards women.
At 12.00 hours will be held the presentation of certificates to participants AcquaGym display, and, above 13.00 will be awarded trophies and certificates to the teams participating in the football championship eight.
Attended by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, Councillor for Equality, Reme Lopez Paredes, and the Councillor for Sports, Sonia Carrillo Marble.
The Councillor for Equality, Reme Lopez Paredes, expressed his "appreciation and thanks to all who work selflessly sports entities in conducting these activities. Likewise, I must emphasize the importance of the involvement of younger and older people in any act of taking awareness of domestic violence against women, which unfortunately still present in our society. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura