La Banda del IES Miguel Hernández de Bigastro (Alicante) provide educational concert to mark the celebration of the feast of St. Cecilia, patroness of music, on Friday November 22 at the CEIP Maestro Francisco Martinez Bernal (in Calle José Antonio Vidal Serrano, No. 80, Molina de Segura).
This activity is prepared by the entire school community of the two centers and paid for by the school AMPA molinense.
The center band Alicante was created by the music teacher Manuel Beltrán García in 2004 and has since been enriched by the activity of young local musicians bigastrense.
At present, the formation is composed of 33 students studying from 1st to 2nd ESO School, which means that more than 10% of school pupils play an instrument.
From the beginning, the band has been supported throughout the cloister of IES Miguel Hernández and his creation, development and evolution is a task in which participants practically all teaching departments of the institute, who, in one way or another, collaborate actively in this project nine years.
This is the third time that offer a concert comprising teaching children ages 3 and 11 years in the public school molinense.
The event is organized by the music teacher at IES, Manuel Beltrán García (coordinator) and Maria Mercedes Barcelo del Cerro (counselor), and school teacher Master Francisco Martinez Bernal, Maria Jose Lopez Ghost.
Although they are the coordinators of the concert, the activity has unanimous support from the cloisters of both public schools, led by its directors, Juan Pablo Perales Gonzalez (IES Miguel Hernández) and Francisco Parra Pellicer (CEIP Maestro Francisco Martinez Bernal).
The implementation of this concert was the brainchild of the school AMPA, which from the beginning has always supported and encouraged the educational work of the center through various activities.
This activity poses to the partnership an exciting project with the collaboration directly, apart from paying in full activity, several parents of AMPA center.
The schedule of meetings is as follows: from 09.15 to 10.00 hours, Child, from 10.15 to 11.00 hours, 1 Primary Cycle, from 12.00 to 12.45 pm, 2nd Cycle Primary, and from 12.45 to 13.30, 3rd Cycle Primary .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura