Schools in Cardiff Molina de Segura and participate in this educational project by the city councils of both cities
Welcome to the group of teachers from schools in the Welsh city of Cardiff, involved in the Comenius Regio Partnership which develops in Molina de Segura, took place on Tuesday November 12, in the Hall of City Hall.
The event was attended by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, and the Councillor for Education, Mariola Martinez Robles.
The Spanish National Agency for European Educational Programmes (National Agency) approved a few weeks ago requesting a Comenius Regio Partnership between the City of Molina and Cardiff City Council in Wales, Great Britain, called TCP-IP: Tapping Into Children's Potential-In Partnership (Addressing the potential of children in partnership), involving also the consistory of Molina, CEIP El Romeral colleges, CC Holy Family and CEIP Tierno Galván, Counseling Team of Molina de Segura and Extension Center Teachers and Resources of the Region of Murcia in this county.
For part of Wales, along with the local authority schools include Cadoxton Primary School, Barry Island Primary, Bryn Hafod Primary School, Evenlode Primary and Peter Lea Primary School, all based in the Cardiff area.
The association between the two entities, focusing on the themes of intergenerational learning, entrepreneurship development and integration of ICT, includes a series of activities, which include visits by teachers and educational experts to schools in Molina de Segura and Cardiff, training seminars and training workshops with families.
The program of activities has started this November with the Welsh teachers visit the schools participating in the Association.
Comenius Regio Partnerships are intended to promote the development of cooperation activities between local and regional authorities active in the world of education in Europe and contribute to improve its educational offerings.
Enable collaboration of regional institutions, schools and other stakeholders in education to work together on issues of common interest.
Are eligible to apply for a Comenius Regio regional or local authorities with responsibilities in education, which are the focal points in your region for the development of the project, financial management, dissemination and sustainability of the results.
The association consists of two applicants regions, each of which includes at least: local or regional authority with responsibility for education, an education center at least infant, primary or secondary, and another local partner institution, at least ( for example, youth or sports clubs, parents associations or student, teacher training institutions, museums, NGOs, etc.).
Comenius Regio Partnerships can participate in any issue of common interest and relevance to the two participating regions.
We work on aspects of school organization and management, cooperation between schools and other local partners in formal and informal education, common challenges in education in many European countries, such as intercultural education, coexistence, prevention of racism and violence, dropout prevention, etc..
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura