The Charity Study XI, organized by the NGO Cooperation, which has the support of the City of Molina de Segura, will run from November 5 to December 5 in Salvador García Aguilar Library (in Chorrico Avenue, n ° 44).
The Study Solidarity Olympics this year, with the theme My study draws its future, is an educational action and awareness aimed primarily at young students, including those intended to inculcate the values ​​of solidarity, social awareness and effort.
Your study time is sponsored by public and private companies, which provide 1 euro for each hour of study.
His effort on hours of study becomes euros that allow educational project financing development aid in the South, in the areas of education and vocational training mainly aimed to young.
In 2013 young people from 10 countries participate simultaneously, and they all studied for Haiti, supporting schools Mapous Deux La Saline and devastated by the terrible earthquake to hit the country in 2010.
With his studies, the young help continue this work of reconstruction and riding of these schools and draw a futro best for the children of Haiti.
The Charity Study was first organized in 2003 in the city of Logroño (La Rioja) by the creative organization of the idea, the Spanish NGO Cooperation (Youth for Development Cooperation).
Throughout the year, the NGO Co looks for companies and institutions that want to collaborate with the students' efforts.
Entities designate a portion of their funds to help developing countries, with education and training to achieve a fairer future for the citizens of these countries.
This NGO is an organization dedicated International Development Cooperation from 1994 to the implementation of projects of cooperation in the field of Education and Training in Africa, Latin America and Jerusalem.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura