The intervention, which will be borne by the Doctors Pedro Peña Martínez, Juan Francisco Piqueras Gomez and Alejandro López Gómez, is part of the course of diagnosis and treatment based on Three-Dimensional Image Guided Surgery Live and organized by the Hospital Dental Clinic Molina, attended by dentists from all over Spain, and will be meeting at the Municipal Center Las Balsas (Molina de Segura, Murcia).
This is a Master Class with which the Hospital Dental Clinic Molina imparts special training to dentists across the country, marking a milestone not only domestically but also internationally, using Google Glass for live broadcast in full maxillofacial intervention.
This intervention will be a patient of 70 years, edentulous in the upper jaw, with a new technique of computer-guided implantology, in which Dr. Pedro Peña is a pioneer in Spain.
This guided surgery system to plan the case using computer software.
This information is recorded in the patient's treatment plan.
Subsequently performing a three-dimensional model of the upper jaw of the patient, where it is reflected in the position it is decided to place the implants.
Simultaneously, a guide is performed, to be used at the time of placement.
The patient, in one hour, take a prosthesis implant screw.
Accurate diagnosis information bone quality, treatment predictability, shortening of surgery to avoid the need for incisions and exposed bone, and reduced recovery time, the advantages of this system.
Google Using Glass in this operation adds additional value because, in addition to its function as camera, exploits the potential of the glasses as a means of direct communication between the surgeon and the audience.
Thus, dentists attending the Master Class will see the operation in real time, interact and answer questions or provide interesting information to it.
The technical breakthrough in the Master Class is contributed Hospital Droiders Molina, Murcia company responsible for developing applications for Google Glass, who has managed to make this device Streaming large audiences using Hangouts.
The first intervention maxillofacial broadcast worldwide through Google Glass is an example of the strong commitment of the Hospital de Molina to impart quality training to health professionals and the integration of new technology in providing better care health.
For its part, the City of Molina de Segura has an ongoing collaboration with the integration of innovation and technology applied to health of the municipality and the Region of Murcia.
Source: Hospital de Molina