UPyD The Municipal Group in the city of Molina asked the Popular Party to appeal against a decision of the Directorate General for Transport to disallow the creation of the so-called "Superline 87" which would unite in a single trip without local transfers molinense with Espinardo, Murcia and El Palmar.
His spokesman, embodies Hernandez, believes the consistory "must fight for the direct bus Arrixaca", while regretted "the lack of coordination between local states and regional transportation, which is causing a clear deterioration in the quality of service ".
It is a proposal that will be discussed at the next regular full October 28, which also calls for UPyD urge the regional government to create an integrated public transport system in the region as well as a unique bonus also includes users interurban lines.
UPyD expected in the plenary debate the government team to clearly explain what were the negotiations between the municipality and the Department of Transportation to create this line, notice of which was received in August as "great news" for part of the mayor of mobility.
However, Hernandez has criticized "now not been given any public explanation a few days after learning of the refusal of the region".
Likewise, political education prompted the City Council to mediate with the Autonomous Region for authorization as soon as possible the section of line 52 that should unite Altorreal urbanization with Molina de Segura.
"In an inexplicable way," says Hernandez, "Altorreal neighbors have been waiting since early September having this service, causing serious damage, as only authorized route that reaches the youth housing, pending the rest the trip to the bus station Molina, a journey that also includes public secondary school. "
Source: UPyD Molina de Segura