Molina de Segura is the Spanish town has attracted more patients to carry out the program, with a total of 241, twice as much as necessary
The presentation Health Program Fifty-Fifty, launched by the Ministry of Health, through the Spanish Agency for Food Safety (AESAN), and Science Foundation-Health and Education (SHE), promoted by Dr . Valentin Fuster, took place on Thursday July 18, at the Ministry of Health in Madrid, chaired by Health Minister Ana Mato Adrover.
Attended by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, and the Councillor for Health, José Antonio Carbonell Contreras.
Health Program Fifty-Fifty is the first performance of the Observatory of Nutrition and Obesity Study, which was presented by the Ministry of Health in June 2012 and led by Dr. Valentin Fuster.
To carry it out, have been invited to participate to seven Spanish municipalities, one of which Molina de Segura.
The rest are: Barcelona, ​​Guadix, Manresa, Cambrils, San Fernando de Henares, Villanueva de la Cañada.
This initiative aims to improve health in adults 25 to 50 years, helping them to improve their health habits and self-manage their major cardiovascular risk factors: overweight / obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and hypertension.
This program and its innovative methodology were applied as a pilot in 2012 in the town of Cardona (Barcelona), obtaining a satisfactory results: 1 in 4 participants stopped smoking, 1 in 2 reduced weight and 7 out of 10 performed more 150 minutes of exercise a week.
Phases and Methodology Fifty-Fifty Program
On Monday July 15, 2013 completed the first phase of the program, the patient recruitment phase.
The number needed to implement the program is 120, a figure reached by three of the seven municipalities.
One of them has been Molina de Segura, who has led the recruitment of patients, with a total of 241 (twice as necessary).
The deadline for this phase has been extended until September 15 for those municipalities that have not yet achieved the goal.
In September 2013 a meeting was held with the participating patients who also undergo an initial medical assessment (measurement of weight, etc..).
During weekends (Friday and Saturday) in the months of October and November 2013, every two weeks, the second phase will develop training, workshops with 6 healthy habits.
In total, 10 hours of training provided by health professionals.
In December 2013 it held a second medical evaluation of patients.
Already in January 2014, will constitute groups of 15 people, who will work with the dynamics of peer motivation.
Maintain a one-hour meeting a month during the twelve months of the year.
And finally, in December 2014, will be the third and final medical assessment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura