The Active Families program promoting physical activity, initiated by the Ministry of Health and Social Policy in the Region of Murcia in cooperation with the municipalities of Molina de Segura and San Javier, was presented at a press conference Wednesday 17 July, in the auditorium of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy.
The presentation ceremony was attended by the Minister for Health and Social Policy, Maria Angeles Palacios Sánchez, Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, and the Mayor of San Javier, Juan Martínez Pastor.
Molina de Segura and San Javier are municipalities that have implemented this program with summer school format with participation of children from 9-11 years old, sedentary or overweight, in which, as a novelty, also participating , parents.
It is an experimental basis during the month of July.
In the case of Molina de Segura, involved 22 children and 44 parents in the summer school, which is taught in: Sawmills Pavilion, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 09.00 to 12.00 hours, and summer pools Sports The Romeral, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 to 12.00 hours.
Through pediatrician services of township health centers, have been offered parents the opportunity to participate with your child in this prevention activity aimed at getting the most welfare.
This program aims to provide children but also their parents, the fundamental principles of physical exercise and food.
Participation in the Active Families is only possible when the pediatrician and / or pediatric nurse clinic instructed.
Being a prevention program that takes place in family, participation must be together: the child with at least one parent.
How to develop ACTIVE FAMILIES Program
Children perform physical exercise four days a week (Monday to Thursday).
They enjoy full activity, combining different sports-oriented practices arouse their interest in the sport.
All this combined with the fun.
Classes are taught by graduates in Science of Physical Activity and Sport and education experts.
On the other hand, parents do exercise two days a week (Monday and Wednesday), at 09.30 hours to 10.30 hours, and attend the Thursday, at the same time, at different education sessions: healthy food.
Food for the whole family, How to solve problems and family conflicts, Help the children in their studies; reaches adolescence.
What now?, And how do we reach.
Balance Active Program in Molina de Segura
In December 2010, the city of Molina de Segura and the Ministry of Health, through the Foundation for Health Research and Training (FFIS) signed a cooperation agreement for the implementation of Active Program in the municipality.
Since then, and until this year, have participated in it a total of 1,163 patients referred from health centers and Jesus Antonio Garcia Marin Lopez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura