The July 13 is the deadline for submitting applications to join the EmprendeenMolinadeSegura project, promoted by the Municipality of Molina de Segura, as reported by the Councillor for Employment, Sonia Carrillo Marble.
The notice provides the following programs:
- Competition Program 1 projects and business ideas: aims to encourage and promote the ideas and projects that have the territorial headquarters of implementation Molina de Segura and whose entrepreneurship involves both the creation of new businesses and the consolidation of existing by providing innovative ideas with a remarkable component.
The following prizes will be awarded:
- First Prize for Best Project: Embark Idea Cheque amounting to € 2,000.
- Second Prize: Cheque Undertakes Project, amounting to € 1,500.
- Third Prize: Cheque Embark, amounting to € 1,000.
- Second prize of € 500.
- Program 2 promotes new businesses in Molina de Segura: aims to encourage the creation of new businesses, in the territory of Molina de Segura.
Grants of up to 2,500 €.
- 3 E-Consolidation Program: aims to help small businesses who are in their first months of operation, which have been formed in the last 36 months immediately preceding the date of publication of the notice in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia.
Grants of up to 1,000 €.
The costs under grants and awards are expenses for carrying out one or more of the following: completion of civil works for reform or adaptation of facilities and / or premises for the exercise of business; acquisition of goods, machinery, equipment and tools, furniture and fixtures, and information processing equipment and software.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura