The Regional Tournament VII Murcia and I Jugger Jugger Tournament of Molina de Segura takes place on Saturday June 22, from 09.00 to 20.30, at the Sports City The Romeral Molina de Segura.
The event is organized by the Association of Jugger Murcia and Role Association of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the departments of Sports and Youth council molinense.
A total of 18 teams Jugger, between 5 and 8 members will participate in this tournament, with the following schedule:
- 09.00 hours talk test weapons and Arbitration.
Open registration for teams coming from outside the Region of Murcia.
- 09.45 pm: End of test weapons.
Home group stage.
- 17.30: end group stage.
Publication of fighting for the knockout stage.
- 17.30: Start knockout stage.
- 20.00: end.
- 20.30 hours and closing awards ceremony of the tournament.
10 medals will be awarded to the winners, second and third
The Jugger is played with a phone call Jugg, used to convert points, and a variety of weapons known as Pompfen.
All Pomfen are covered by soft materials to cushion shocks.
The playing field irregular octagon shaped and measures 20 x 40 meters.
The goal of the game is to turn entering the Jugg points in the opposing team's brand.
Each brand is positioned at one end of the field.
In the version played in Australia the Jugg, a ring or handle and is nailed to a stake.
The Pomfen are used to block opposing players, Qwik preventing the opponent from scoring points and taking care itself is not blocked by the adversary.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura