The Municipal spokesperson UPyD in the city of Molina de Segura, embodies Hernandez has claimed the Consistory more resources for the maintenance of local Animal Health Centre, which is currently being managed by the Humane Association, after the company Sercomosa (which has a contract with the City for the collection of animal street) will subcontract this effort.
According UPyD, service management is deficient for the Protector, having to provide their own monthly financial and human resources to keep the center in top condition and ensure the welfare of animals.
Hernandez has claimed that the contribution that Sercomosa Protective receives for managing the service does not cover even 50% of what it costs to maintain them.
In addition, the Association has had to undertake reforms and extensions of stays of animals to assure a better life.
The center in question has neither drinking water nor electricity, so that the association that runs it has had to pay for pumps and generators (with the subsequent monthly expenditure on diesel).
Therefore, policy formation at the next plenary asked to extend the current agreement is maintained with the Protective Association, providing the necessary resources center for maintenance, cleaning and animal welfare.
It also prompts you to launch an awareness campaign which warn of the consequences of abandonment of animals, reporting on the possibilities of adoption and collaboration with the Protector, and strengthening control and sanctions for cases of dogs that are not identified by microchip.
Source: UPyD Molina de Segura