To mark the start of the summer, the Department of Public Safety, Civil Protection and local police of the city of Molina de Segura has made available to the public a series of Safety Tips, to be known and taken into account to avoid the unexpected.
The information will be sent through the village headman, presidents and Area Boards Federation of Neighborhood Associations Interbarrios, to proceed to their distribution among the other associations.
These tips are related to preventive security measures to be considered before the summer heat during extended absences for vacation, in homes, in travel and vehicle use.
Among them, it is advisable to avoid long exposure to the sun, especially at midday and especially children and the elderly, in public places where there are crowds, caring bag, wallet and mobile phone, whenever possible, to use the ATM Automatic day and avoid counting the money in view of other people, to use the vehicle, observe pedestrian crossings, on mopeds and motorcycles, helmet use, etc..
Along with these tips, also facilitate Emergency phone numbers, National Police and local police, so that neighbors know where they have to go in each case.
The City Council Public Safety, Fortunato Arias City, insists that "take a minimum preventive measures can make our security is greater and so prevent theft, pilferage or any setback, such as heat stroke."
The link to access the Department of Public Safety is
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura