Authors of the meteorite landed in Madrid on Saturday, June 15, at 12.30 pm in the Museum of Natural Sciences (in Calle José Gutiérrez Abascal, No. 2, Madrid) to pay tribute to the spatial stone gives this literary group established in Molina de Segura (Murcia) and present the Ten Meteorites storybook, which sponsors the Hospital de Molina.
Subsequently, from 19.00, Meteor Authors visit in Madrid Book Fair the various booths of their respective publishers.
Attending the ceremony were the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, Councillor for Culture, Mariola Martinez Robles, and the Managing Director of the Hospital de Molina, Pedro Hernández Jiménez.
You are invited to this ceremony some of the Asteroids Fees appointed by the Grand Order of Molina de Segura meteorite, among which are Juan Jose Millas, Carmen Posadas, Maruja Torres, Eslava Galán, Lorenzo Silva, Lucia Etxebarria, Rosa and Fernando Montero Sabater.
To these must be added Jesús Martínez Frías, CSIC researcher expert in meteorites and planetary geology.
On Christmas Eve 1858 fell on Molina de Segura the largest meteorite ever recorded in Spain.
According to a legend of uncertain origin, the radiation emitted by the meteor stimulated, 150 years later, the literary vocation of those exposed to its influence, a phenomenon that has been called radioescribidad.
Hence in Molina de Segura has emerged in recent years a remarkable group of writers who publish and are awarded nationwide: Salvador García Aguilar (now deceased, Nadal Prize), Lola Lopez Mondejar, Marta Zafrilla, Jerome Tristante, Paco Lopez Mengual, Manuel Moyano, Pablo Aguilar, Ruben Castillo, and Lorena Meana Elias Moreno.
The Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, stressed that "the publication of this book is further proof of the implication that the hospital has with Molina Molina de Segura and, in this particular case, culture and writers molinense . This initiative allows the Hospital dowry light reading to their patients to make their recovery more bearable, while contributing to the promotion of literature Authors Meteor ".
For his part, the Managing Director of the Hospital de Molina, Pedro Hernández Jiménez, notes that, "relying on the therapeutic effect of literature, the Hospital de Molina presented with a copy of Ten meteorites every patient who is admitted to the hospital , with good intention that our patients are restored as soon as possible ".
Meteorite legend
"On Christmas Eve 1858 fell on Molina de Segura a giant meteorite. According to legend, since then, the crater emits a mysterious radiation that has germinated, one hundred and fifty years later, a generation of writers that have never been seen in all the region ... "
Meteor Authors:
Salvador García Aguilar: Nadal Prize 1983 for Rejoicing in man (Ed. Destination).
Elijah Meana: Award maritime narrative Nostromo the beautiful Maria (Ed Young), his latest novel is The Atlantic silences (Ed. Bollard).
Lola Lopez Mondejar: Award Finalist Gonzalo Torrente Ballester with my unhappy love (Ed. Siruela), his latest book is Blood Ties (Ed. Pages Foam).
Paco Lopez Mengual: Author of The Map of a crime (Ed. Maeva) and the last boat to America (Today's Ed).
Paul Aguilar González: Volkswagen Read Award What are the north Pelicans (Ed. MC).
Manuel Moyano: Tiger Award Juan Kafka's friend (Ed. Pre-Texts) and Tristana Prize with The Devil alibi (Ed. Menoscuarto).
Ruben Castillo Gallego: Sijé Gabriel Awards and Ateneo de Valladolid and author of The Hitler Globe (Ed. Castaway Island).
Jerome Tristante: Author, 1969 (Ed. Maeva) and Valley of the Shadows (Ed. Plaza & Janes), his series about the detective Victor Ros will be brought to television.
Marta Zafrilla: International Novel Prize by Wide Angle Youth Message encryption (Ed. SM).
Lorena Moreno: Sierra i Fabra Prize for Young Writers by networks of hell (Ed. SM).
These 10 perpetrators in the Paseo de las Letras de Molina de Segura with a plaque which is a meteorite graphic motif.
The Order of the Meteor
In 2012, the authors cited founded the Very Noble and Loyal Order of the Great Meteor.
Since then they have invested as Honorary Asteroids outstanding writers who have ended up in the city: Juan Jose Millas, Lucia Etxebarria, Fernando Savater, Rosa Montero, Lorenzo Silva, Juan Eslava Galan, Carmen Posadas and Maruja Torres.
To these are added the geologist Jesus Martinez-Frias, meteor expert who works with NASA.
During the inauguration ceremony, marked with the highest honor as a band is imposed and agree to become "ambassadors abroad Order" and "guardians for all eternity of the fumes released by the meteorite."
Rosa Montero (In The Country): "In Molina de Segura is given an unexpected concentration of quality writers, winners of prestigious national awards, so unusual abundance gave birth to the legend that the meteorite brought artistic influences. (...) They are, in Anyway, great people who will take magic to life: against the crisis, imagination. "
Maruja Torres (on his blog No guts): "I went through Molina de Segura, as I told you, closing the cycle in Ink Writers and the vitality Congratulate me that a group of authorities and citizenship @ s (especially" Aces ") fighting for the culture, its Municipal Library, by encouraging young people to read. I was very happy there, thank you, and that includes the time I was appointed Honorary Asteroid, which I joined Meteorite Band. "
The Meteor of Molina de Segura custody since 1895 at the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid, occupying the same block where is the Student Residence.
In the early 20s, a group of resident students met every afternoon at a drinks kiosk located just 100 meters from the meteorite.
Among them were Federico Garcia Lorca, Rafael Alberti, Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí.
A proof of the existence of the radioescribidad?
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura