The show NEXUS and jaleos, Victor Company Ullate Ballet Madrid, close the program from January to May 2013 the Teatro Villa de Molina on Friday, May 31, at 21.30 pm in the Teatro Villa de Molina (in Chorrico Avenue Molina de Segura).
The entrance fee is 20 euros.
Divided into two acts, the first of which is interpreted NEXUS, dye contemporary choreography signed by Arantxa Sagardoy and Alfredo Bravo, which highlights the complexity of movement of each and every one of the dancers who make up the company.
The second part of the two parts form a premiere and a classic.
The first, entitled And, is choreographed by the company's artistic director, Eduardo Lao, and surprises the viewer with male duo inspired by the Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wanderer Companion) by Gustav Mahler.
The second part comes from the hand of the master Victor Ullate, hassles, a classic that continues to surprise on stage sixteen years after its release.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura