The City Commission Truancy and Dropout Molina de Segura was made Tuesday May 21, as reported by the City Council Education molinense consistory, Mariola Martinez Robles.
The commission is made up of representatives of the local administration of Education and Social Welfare, as well as representatives of the educational community, local police and Ministry of Education of the Region of Murcia.
This new body will work under the third Municipal Plan made by the City of Molina de Segura, which records actions and measures to implement, developed under the regional legislation, and based on information gathered from previous plans.
In 1996 he created the first commission of absenteeism and, together with an evaluation obtained by the above two plans (2000 and 2004) has obtained the plan presented, and whose objectives are to reduce absenteeism and early school leavers the town, preventing risky situations in childhood which may cause or consequence of truancy, offer families resources to facilitate the child's attendance at school and promote the alternative of leisure time in the minors absentee.
"There is a political commitment of the government team, providing financial and human resources, with the ultimate goal of reaching zero school failure," said Mariola Martinez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura