Agents Local Police have arrested Molina de Segura, at 01.10 hours on Monday 20 May, four people of Spanish nationality, for an alleged crime of burglary in a school in the town, recovering the stolen material.
The incident occurred when local police officers who were carrying out safety work in the area, observed five young people who, after noticing the police presence, they began to flee on foot carrying in hands variety of computer equipment, so that come to their persecution.
During the flight, passing by a garden area, young people threw down the carrying supplies to get rid of weight, but local officials ultimately get locate, arrest and transfer to four of them to the offices of the Commissioner National Police Corps of Molina de Segura, and identify the fifth of offenders.
The modus operandi has been staying watching one of them while the rest enter school breaking two windows on the first floor and accessed by a roof into the classroom.
The seized material has been three towers CPU and monitor LG brand.
For its part, the City Council Public Safety of the City of Molina de Segura, Fortunato Arias City, stressed "the importance of the ongoing work in public safety and good work being done by local agents acting effectively in the location of offenders. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura