The Department of Citizenship of the City of Molina de Segura reports that have been published provisional nominations for the election of Board Area Presidents.
Pursuant to the electoral calendar, these nominations are set from 22 to 25 March at the headquarters of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations Interbarrios, located in Calle Joaquin Professor Abellán, No. 2 (The Garden Center, ground floor).
As of March 25, if there is no objection, these applications become final.
For this election, have submitted an application for territorial area, except in Zone 3 (developments), attending the elections two candidates.
Nominations provisional areas are:
Zone 1: Urban area (west) of Molina de Segura, comprising:
Presidency: Eusebio Martinez Bravo.
Vice: Francisco Martinez Gomez.
Treasury: Juan Meseguer Celdran.
Secretariat: Gertrudis Rodriguez Gallego / Antonio Sáez.
Zone 2: Urban area (east) of Molina de Segura, comprising:
Chair: Jose Antonio Cano Diaz.
Vice Chair: Miguel Angel Lopez Pebble / Antonio Perez Morales.
Secretariat: Pastor Santiago Palazón / Yagües Antonio Canovas.
Treasury: Fina Palazón Guillén / Saturnino Lopez Ayala.
Zone 3: Developments in Molina de Segura:
First application, comprising:
Chair: Juan Carlos Govantes Betes.
Vice: Antonio Solis Cejas.
Treasury: José Benigno Lopez Imperial.
Secretariat: Rubio Esperanza Becerra.
Second application, comprising:
Presidency: Fulgencio Ramos Guardiola.
Vice: Antonio Carbonell Lorca.
Treasury: Maria Consuelo Avila Alejandre.
Secretariat: Manuela Lopez Lopez.
Zone 4: Villages of Molina de Segura, in turn composed of two divisions:
Subzone la Huerta:
Chair: Ramon Santa Cruz Meseguer.
Vice: Miguel Beltran Sanchez.
Secretariat: Consuelo Martínez Meseguer.
Treasury: Jose Antonio Fuentes Ribera.
Field Subzone:
Chair: Luis Fernando Lozano Lozano.
Vice President: José García Alenda.
Secretariat: José María Lozano Gomariz.
Treasury: Juan Perez Lorca.
Once final rise to these nominations, begin the campaign between 8 and 24 April, to present programs for the areas concerned.
According to Citizenship Statute, organs of citizen participation in the municipality are: Local Involvement Board, whose scope covers the entire municipality, the Area Boards, each zone that are scoped territorial and municipal councils, sectoral bodies to participate.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura