The musical show me something ... Remembering Camilo Sesto, by the Valencian company Elite Productions, will be shown on Saturday, March 16, at 21.30 pm in the Teatro Villa de Molina (at Avenue of Molina de Segura Chorrico) .
The ticket price is 16 euros.
The best songs of Camilo Sesto are interpreted in this show by two exceptional voices, and José María Marín Valhondo.
Both come from musical also Valencian singer Nino Bravo.
Tony Melero, the youngest comedian in the country, is in this show the biggest fan of Camilo Sesto.
He is responsible for reviewing the singer's life, from its beginning to its final consecration, recalling humorous anecdotes of his life and historical events of the 70s.
Expert imitations and characterizations, paraded across the stage known characters such as David Bisbal, the Duchess of Alba, HM King, etc..
The result is an original and fun, a lot of quality, which makes the viewer hasto travel the 70 with the best music of one of the greatest composers and performers, Camilo Sesto.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura