The Socialist Municipal Group will continue to propose measures to promote employment, especially among individuals, families and sectors most affected by unemployment.
The Socialist Municipal Group returns to demand decisive action to tackle the high unemployment in the municipality, whose numbers are growing every month, and stands in 7553 the number of people registered as unemployed, after an increase of 151 people by the end of February, more than 2%, almost double the national average increase.
The increase over the previous year is 5.9%, with over 423 people unemployed.
Hiring from the previous month registered the biggest drop since 2010, namely 26.3%, almost 400 fewer contracts, and performed the same number of contracts a year earlier.
The Socialist Municipal Group expects the City Council to urgently react to a situation that is unsustainable and the Socialist Party spokesman, Antonio Gomariz, Contreras recalls that in 2012 the Socialist Group proposals submitted each month to reduce unemployment and boost the economy molinenses and should start considering that Molina needs a change of heart and a change of course to avoid becoming a bedroom community, with low economic activity.
While reiterating its commitment and ensuring that the Socialist Group in each plenary will continue to propose alternatives for employment and social protection.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura