The Local Police of Molina de Segura, in coordination with the General Directorate of Traffic, held in the town a special campaign on school transportation, between 25 February and 3 March.
The aim of the campaign is to make sure that the school bus, which is subject to a number of standards, compliance with which is in many cases the safety of children, meet with them to provide the safest possible school.
During this campaign, the agents intensified inspections on school transport vehicles (bus is the most widely used in the transportation of children to go to school, making his journey, mostly by urban), ensuring that the authorizations and documents should have these vehicles are correct for the service, the technical and safety features of the vehicle are required by regulations and special requirements to be met by the driver himself, such as the permit driving or driving times and rest.
Councilman and Public Safety Traffic molinense Hall, Fortunato Arias City, said that "these campaigns help to improve road safety and need extreme measures and controls on the school bus, and we should be very sensitive to the higher vulnerability of children, even though annual accident figures show that this transport is a safe area. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura