Nacho and Alquibla Vilar Theatre Productions (Murcia) show Dancing with wolves work under the direction of Antonio Saura, on Friday February 15, at 21.00, at the Teatro Villa de Molina (Chorrico Avenue, No. 10).
The ticket price is 12 euros.
Dances with wolves, last text Montoro playwright Juan Lara, is a comedy in which three women try to corner, in a pas à trois, the inevitable fate that keeps as close as prey: solitude, and, staying together, defend and attack, as good herd.
In a dance through the feelings, the characters in this play (three different women, but as equal to any other woman) made a journey that will take them from the love of sex, freedom of loneliness, sadness to thrill of discovery of his own sexuality, etc.
Cecilia, Mary and Sara are displayed indecisive and safe, strong and weak, passionate and rational, lustful and frigid, in a search for love, which will also discover the different faces that friendship.
The three disguise the reality of lambs and wolves will wear to fight everything and failing in the attempt.
The playwright does not lose the opportunity to reflect on the hypocrisy, appearances, falsehood, frivolity, meaning the scope last coming out, but especially about friendship and love.
Dances with wolves is a story that belongs to the feminine universe, with ingenious approach, strong characters and clever humor exquisite.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura