The Municipal Council of UPyD in Molina de Segura has described as "very worrying" annual data on unemployment in the town, known today, which closed 2012 with a total of 7,338 unemployed, 528 more than last year.
For political education spokesman, Encarna Hernández, these data demonstrate "three fundamental facts": first, "the inability of the labor reform Rajoy to create stable, quality jobs", on the other hand, the need to "diversify the production model and growth in our region, with measures to support small and medium enterprises and the self," and finally, "the ineffectiveness of the efforts so far scarce local government team to recreate jobs the municipality. "
UPyD see positive aspects such as the application of bonuses to operating licenses, or initiatives as the organization's "Entrepreneur Day" last October, but they are still "isolated incidents".
UPyD already applied in full in December on municipal budgets, a new call for the Special Employment Commission, to bring together political, social and economic view to finding solutions to the unemployment problem.
In the same vein, it is urgent that the political formation of a study recently renovated Local Economic and Social Council to take stock of the situation, where we are, and to define a future strategy on employment opportunities and to undertake in the municipality .
So far, UPyD considered "insufficient" the efforts of the local government team PP to stop "stop the bleeding in Molina de Segura", and regretted that the budgets for 2013 indeed suffer the biggest cuts in employment chapter .
"Gone is the program of public employment, and reducing by 200,000 and 30,000 euros, respectively, occupational training plan and the actions of the strategic human capital plan (PECH)," he explained Hernandez, who understands that "this is not bet for employment as a first priority, as promised the Party. "
In relation to the 2013 budget, recently approved by the votes solo Government team, training policy also calls attention to the "systematic neglect" in the budget to boost small areas such as trade and tourism, which are "two important engines of economic growth and job creation."
In this sense, Hernández regretted that the present PP tourism promotion plans remain a dead letter as the main attractions, such as the environment of the Wall, or basics like having a tourist office, are still in the works.
About the data for December, which was a slight decline compared to November (88 persons), UPyD think you have a component linked to the Christmas period in which we find ourselves, so that "the coming months will be the real test to see if the downward trend is consolidated once past the seasonal hiring. "
Source: UPyD Molina de Segura