To mark 220 years fulfilled the consecration of Charles Zaradatti processional monstrance, which took place on December 12, 1792, the city of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, has organized a series of events:
Sunday December 16, at 12.00 am in the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, a Mass with the participation of the Chamber Orchestra Hims Mola and Youth Choir Assumption Parish, who will perform pieces from the time.
Tuesday December 18, at 20.00 am in the Plenary Hall of the City Hall, the book presentation ceremony processional Custody church of the Assumption of Molina de Segura: Carlos's magnum opus Zaradatti, Doctor of Art History Juan de Dios Hernández Miñano, published in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Region of Murcia.
The presentation will be borne by Jesus Rivas Carmona, Professor of Art History at the University of Murcia, a specialist in Baroque Art and promoter, with great success, Silverware studies, which have reached international repercussions.
In 1792, the Italian goldsmith Carlos Zaradatti delivered to the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption of Molina de Segura of which is considered his magnum opus: the processional monstrance, which today continues to be saved to the temple.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura