The Integration Program Educational Spaces (ITEP) for the current academic year 2012/2013, organized by the Youth Council of the City of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with ESO centers of the municipality, was presented at a press conference Thursday November 29, in the Press Room of City Hall.
The presentation was attended by the Councillor for Youth, Reme Lopez Paredes, Professor of Community Services IES Francisco de Goya, Juana López Hidalgo, the Head of Studies IES Cañada de las Eras, José García Sampedro, and the Manager of 7 Imagination Company, manager of the CSIP, Joaquin Medina.
In the ITEP students participating centers ESO Township, both public (IES Francisco de Goya, IES Cañada de las Eras, IES and IES Eduardo Linares Lumeras Tader Vega) and concerted (Salzillo schools, Vicente Medina, The Workshop and Los Olivos).
The program was first implemented during 1996/97 and, among its objectives, the collaboration with centers in the integral formation of students.
It also aims to promote among students healthy and positive attitudes help them in their development.
The Integration Program Educational Spaces for this course has the following blocks:
DRUG PREVENTION, with talks of two sessions to 1st, 2nd and 3rd course of ESO, which is personal, interpersonal and social and everything related to substance abuse (including alcohol and snuff).
Psychosocial program, which include affective, psychic of this age, and information on sexuality and pregnancy prevention in youth, with classes three sessions, which are held at 4 ° ESO courses
FOOD AND NUTRITION PROGRAM aimed at prevention of diseases associated with eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia) and dietary education.
Work sessions are held on the 3rd ESO courses
PREVENTION peer violence aimed at 1st and 2nd year of ESO, and intends to make students think about this situation.
PROGRAM INFORMATION RESOURCES YOUTH, for 1 ° ESO courses is to present own resources and municipal resources program for youngsters.
Equality agenda and coeducation, aimed at 3 ° ESO courses, and aims to promote and work through two sessions of equality between women and men.
Intercultural Programme, which develops a session in 1st year of ESO and another in 2nd year of ESO, as a space for reflection of the students on this topic.
All these activities are complemented by specific activities and collaborations with centers such as Secondary School Literary Contest.
Over the past 368 sessions were held programs described a total of 4485 secondary school students of the municipality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura