The performance of the company Kuver Productions take place at 22:00, and is part of the program of events to mark the seventh anniversary of Teatro Villa de Molina, with sold-out
Kuver Productions (Almería) presents the show THE CLUB OF INCREDIBLE on Friday November 30 at 22.00 pm in the Teatro Villa de Molina (Chorrico Avenue, No. 10).
The localities are exhausted.
The show is part of the program of events to mark the seventh anniversary of Teatro Villa de Molina, which takes place from November 29 to December 1.
The Incredibles Club is a unique nationwide.
An exquisite quality blend of humor, entertainment and live music that immerses the viewer in a world of happiness and good feeling from the first moment.
Monologues, live songs, animation, actors and big surprises.
Dani Rovira, Manu Badenes and Julio are just plain comical characters, the animation team of The Incredibles Club and manager of surprise, and the viewer ...
puts laughter.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura