The 1st Open Day Health Center Professor Antonio Garcia Molina de Segura, organized by the center in collaboration with the Municipality of Molina de Segura and numerous organizations, groups and associations socio Township, is being held on Thursday 29 November, with numerous activities promoting health and civic participation that will be developed throughout the day.
At 1300 hours, will be visited by the authorities, and attended by the Deputy Mayor of the town, Adoration Molina Lopez, VI Area Manager Murcia Health Service (SMS), Tomás Fernández Salvador, and Councilmember Health, Lola Vicente Quiles, and Professor Antonio García García, Professor of Pharmacology at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Explains the center's coordinator, Dr. Emilio Perez Macanás, "from the Health Center Professor Antonio García García many professionals work daily to care for the most important thing that we have all our health. Nevertheless, we want the center to be more than just a place to go when sick, we want the communication between patient and healthcare is closer, we want the participation of citizens in the everyday becomes apparent, hear their concerns, their suggestions, we want to know us , to know how to improve your health, how to prevent disease, how to make a wise use of public health resources. therefore we invite you to participate in this first Open Day, wishing that we have prepared numerous activities resulting from their pleased ".
The program offers the following activities:
09.00 to 10.00 pm in outdoor, active program, the Ministry of Health.
09.30 h., Library Center, Feeding tomorrow's health.
Dietary habits in population 0/3 years, by Ana Isabel López Masegosa.
09.30 h., In Multipurpose Room, Some toxic household by Dr. M ª Dolores Carrillo Vinader.
10.15 h., Library, Personal Services and Health Center Professor Antonio Garcia, by Dr. Joseph Perello Moreno.
10.30 h., In Multipurpose Room, Healthy Habits diabetes, by Francisco J.
Lidón Sanchez.
10.30 am in outdoor, healthy breakfast for schoolchildren, Catering by Antonia Navarro.
10.45 h., Library, clarifying questions about medication: hypertension, cholesterol and psychotropic drugs, by Dr. Francisco Martinez Canovas.
11.00 h., In Multipurpose Room, Snuff and Health, by Juan Antonio Abellán Sánchez, President of the Local Board of Molina de Segura AECC.
Visit public schools the siphon and Romeral, with exercise and activity contest What is a toilet for you?, In charge of Dr. Gumersindo de la Torre and Maria Angeles Bermudez Lopezosa Orte.
11.00 h., In room Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy for neck pain, by Ignacio García Moreno.
11.00 h., Entrance hall, CPR Workshop, by EMU 061/112.
11.30 h., In outdoor, gerontogimnasia, run by the Department of Sports.
11.30 h., Library, visit the IES Francisco de Goya, who will participate in workshop not to drugs, taught by Pilar Alvarez and Maria Angeles Garcia Cazorla González.
11.45 h., In Multipurpose Room, memory stimulation, by the Santa Barbara Women's Association, with Dr. Juan Dionisio Hernandez Avilés.
12.30 h., In Multipurpose Room, mind-body therapy, by AFESMO, Ana Martinez and Immaculate Ortuño.
13.00 h., Authorities visit.
16.00 h., Library, bone densitometry, by Dr. Isabel Perez and pharmaceutical Gomariz ALMIRALL.
16.00 h., In Multipurpose Room, controlled medical diets.
Type II diabetes, obesity and breastfeeding, by Dr. Isabel Pérez Gomariz.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura