The Municipal Council of UPyD in Molina de Segura takes the ordinary plenary Monday 26 a proposal to improve the quality of local public services and meet the needs of the residents, with the creation of a Special Committee of suggestions and Claims.
According to the spokesman UPyD, Encarna Hernandez, said Commission, under the Local Government Act from 2003, which, however, has not yet been launched in the Consistory molinense, "whose main objective is to monitor the activity of the municipal administration and act in defense of the rights of neighbors, everything about the complaints and suggestions on the services provided by the City, and that makes us get citizenship through various channels, such as service citizen service, the mailbox for complaints and suggestions, and your participation ".
For Hernandez, it is imperative that "we know firsthand the perception that people have of public services, and work with this information to adapt and improve."
These complaints and suggestions must be sent to the municipal area affected, must lead to the adoption of appropriate measures, and must answer to the people involved in timely and appropriate manner.
The absence of this Commission, to UPyD, "unaware that the Corporation does, without going any further, what improvements or renovations have been undertaken in the municipal services in response to the demands of citizens, or even as simple a fact as if it have responded in a timely manner claims. "
Indeed, one of the functions of the Commission is to protect unanswered complaints citizens, or the resolutions to those complaints that a citizen can understand how unsatisfactory.
Within this same motion, UPyD proposes further measures to improve citizen participation.
Specifically, that once the plenary, residents can have a round of questions on any topic of municipal interest.
Source: UPyD Molina de Segura